Pension savings

Voluntary pension saving is the only form of saving encouraged by two types of government incentives – through the payment of incentive funds and in the form of tax allowance for employers. The voluntary pension fund return, or a profit made by the pension company managing the fund’s assets, increases the value of assets owned by the fund’s members.

Voluntary pension savings are exempt from taxation, and you may decide on the amount, duration and dynamics of investing in the fund yourself.

Use of savings

Any savings in the account of the so-called Third Pillar (voluntary pension savings) may be withdrawn at the age of 55 at the earliest through one of the selected forms of pension, irrespective of the employment status.
Any funds in a voluntary pension fund account are personal assets of the member, and they may not be subject of enforcement or insurance against the fund member. That way, you may be sure that your future is really safe.

Pension payment

The only condition for exercising the right to the payment of pension from the voluntary pension fund is turning 55 years of age.

There are two options for the payment of pensions:
1. from the voluntary pension fund
2. from a selected pension scheme offered by the pension insurance company.

Read more about pensions or calculate the expected pension income at the Raiffeisen Pension Insurance Company website.

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