The “Herbert Stepic CEE Charity” was founded in 2006 by Herbert Stepic, former CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International AG.

The purpose of this foundation is to help disadvantaged children, neglected adolescents and women in the CEE countries. The goal of this humanitarian organisation is to have a positive impact on the lives of the neglected and the poor, helping the beneficiaries of aid to gain their own independence and implementing good quality, sustainable projects in cooperation with strong partners.

In cooperation with the foundation, the Bank launched the “Childhood without Wiolence” project in Croatia with the aim of helping the victims of domestic violence accommodated at the Shelter for Children and Adults – Duga in Zagreb. The project provides organised care for children who are wards of the Duga Shelter, while their mothers receive career counselling, actively look for employment or work. Employment is essential for women victims of domestic violence, enabling them to become economically independent and provide a more stable future to their children, without violence.